Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let them SEE you coming!

There is a very fine article at about being Clean & Odor Free. This is of special concern for those who use catheters and catheter supplies or ostomy supplies. With the “beautiful people” on TV and advertising commercials reminding us not to offend others with unpleasant odors; it only makes sense that we not only keep clean, that is wash and/or bath regularly, but also keep our clothes and surroundings clean. Keeping skin, appliances, and pads clean and frequently washed or changed is the best guarantee against odor. Additionally you might also try using Deodorizing Drops in combination with the above.

No, don’t worry, you won’t smell like a perfume factory! Home Care Together recommends using drops that simply take away the odor, not cover them up. Many doctors don’t think of ordering these when writing out the prescription for catheters or ostomy, so be sure to remind your doctor to include: “1 btl - Deodorizing Drops/month” on your prescription.

Yes, Medicare will pay for the drops and you will have peace of mind that when people see you coming…they won’t smell you coming…and that will be a good thing! Remember: Together we can make it happen!

Home Care Together

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